Organizer: Sue Carrie Drummond



Emily Orzech, Dustyn Bork, Beth Sheehan, Karen Hardy, Sue Carrie Drummond, Leslie Friedman, Maria Welch, Elizabeth Castaldo, Erin Zona, Rachelle Hill, Nichole Maury, Catherine Wild, Dana Lemoine, Tammy Wolfsey, Kevin Shook, Stephanie Alaniz, Ross Joseph Mazzupappa


When we contemplate landscapes, we consider not only the scenery at which we are gazing, but also the layers that exist below our feet. We imagine the way in which the land has eroded and been reconstructed over time. Using that framework, this portfolio will examine the body and psyche as landscape, one in which the terrain alters in accordance and often as a direct result of experiences that are transformative. Whether as catastrophic as an earthquake or as minimal as a heavy rainfall, we have all encountered events that alter our personal landscape and dictate how we move forward. How are these events hidden by the passage of time or are they excavated and exposed? Participants will consider how their identity, memory, or community have been altered by the layers of their history and contemplate how that history continues to impact their present personal topography.


Using at least two different printmaking methods, contributors will examine the dialogue between past and the present narratives in one single image.